lunch buddy
A lunch appointment scheduling website made to help people feel less lonely when lunch time rolls around. Made with Ruby on Rails, AWS S3, Action Mailer, Devise and Google Maps API.
Microblog website created to promote good social behaviours in Singapore. Built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Node.js, Express and EJS. Uses bcrypt for password encryption, Passport.js for user authentication and Cloudinary API for image uploads.
Full-stack AI face recognition app built with React.js, Node.js and postgreSQL. Uses Clarifai's facial recognition model and bcrypt for password encryption.
Pet the Catto
Turn-based cat clicker game with 3 difficulty levels, where the aim is not to upset the cat. Built with JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, and SASS.
A travel planning tool for flexible yet organized explorers. Made with the MERN stack, Redux, Semantic UI and JWT authentication.
© 2022 — Designed & developed by Joey Lim